Camilla Bellone

University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 
"Camilla Bellone"
Mean distance: 13.07 (cluster 6)


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Christian Lüscher grad student 2002-2005 UCSF
Roger A. Nicoll post-doc UCSF


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Pedro Espinosa grad student
Tifei Yuan grad student 2010-2013 University of Geneva
Clément Solié grad student 2015-2020 University of Geneva
Stamatina Tzanoulinou post-doc
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Campbell BFN, Cruz-Ochoa N, Otomo K, et al. (2024) Gephyrin phosphorylation facilitates sexually dimorphic development and function of parvalbumin interneurons in the mouse hippocampus. Molecular Psychiatry
Contestabile A, Casarotto G, Musardo S, et al. (2023) Shank3 deficits in the anteromedial bed nucleus of the stria terminalis triggers anxiety phenotype. The European Journal of Neuroscience
Lecca S, Congiu M, Royon L, et al. (2023) A neural substrate for negative affect dictates female parental behavior. Neuron
Espinosa P, Bellone C. (2022) The exciting side of unconventional glycine receptors. Neuron. 110: 2359-2361
Musardo S, Contestabile A, Knoop M, et al. (2022) Oxytocin neurons mediate the effect of social isolation via the VTA circuits. Elife. 11
Solié C, Contestabile A, Espinosa P, et al. (2022) Superior Colliculus to VTA pathway controls orienting response and influences social interaction in mice. Nature Communications. 13: 817
Tzanoulinou S, Musardo S, Contestabile A, et al. (2022) Inhibition of Trpv4 rescues circuit and social deficits unmasked by acute inflammatory response in a Shank3 mouse model of Autism. Molecular Psychiatry
Solié C, Girard B, Righetti B, et al. (2022) VTA dopamine neuron activity encodes social interaction and promotes reinforcement learning through social prediction error. Nature Neuroscience. 25: 86-97
Mignogna ML, Musardo S, Ranieri G, et al. (2021) RAB39B-mediated trafficking of the GluA2-AMPAR subunit controls dendritic spine maturation and intellectual disability-related behaviour. Molecular Psychiatry
Bellone C, Lüscher C. (2021) Bugs R Us: Restoring sociability with microbiota in autism. Cell Reports. Medicine. 2: 100256
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